The Lunchtimers organization was formed in London on 3 March 1995
when London Lunchtimers No. 1 was founded, and exists:

"To extend the hand of welcome and fellowship to all those with a genuine and positive interest in Freemasonry"

PERTH LUNCHTIMERS exists in the same vein to bring together people with these very same interests, in the city of Perth, Western Australia.

Meetings are now held in the following locations around the world: London, Boston, Manhattan, Paris, New Zealand,
Bristol, Indiana, Berkshire, South California, Golden Gate,
Pittsburgh, San Paulo, Sky, Missouri, and Sydney.
Lunchtimers is open to Masons and non-Masons alike, both men and women, simply anyone who has a positive interest in,
or who is curious about, Freemasonry.

Most of the attendees at Lunchtimers are already members of local Lodges, however
non-Masons will always be very welcome to join us.

We have NO annual membership or attendance fees. The only money you pay is for your own food and drinks.....
and maybe enough for someone else too if you're feeling generous!


Hello diners!
Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 19th October.

Ideas for our meetings are always welcome if you have any suggestions. As I have said since this groups conception, we can't really get a format going if we don't have the numbers, but it seems we can't get numbers if we don't have a preferred format! Its a very "chicken and egg" thing! Anyhow, we'll continue for a while longer and see how we go over the coming months....
On a very positive note, I had a call from a WM from the Geraldton area, inquiring on how we run (or hope to run!) the Perth Lunchtimers group, as a number of Brethren are planning on attempting to do something very similar in their own little part of the world. We discussed them coming under the umbrella of the Perth Group, as an additional meeting point, and have a single "point of information" as it were, through the website. I'll let you know how that progresses, but it does look very promising for the future of Masonic socialising, outside of a Lodge, in an informal environment, in Western Australia.
As always, we look forward to meeting you all for a bite and a drink at the next meeting if you are able to make it.
Don't forget to subscribe to our calendar (see menu on left), to be notified of upcoming meetings. And also visit us on FaceBook if you haven't already; link at the bottom of the page.

Details of where we actually meet can be found by clicking here

Be there, or be on the square.....or something like that!



KIEREN - 0414 217 953
RUSS - 0488 209 026
email -

Perth Lunchtimers founded 21st April 2009

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